UWS Community Mini programme

Welcome to follow UWS community mini programme, a platform for alumni/current students/potential applicants to get connected via photo sharing/video sharing and more.


Benefits & Service to Alumni

10% discount on Masters’ Degree tuition fees for UWS Alumni. 

10% discount on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses for UWS Alumni. 

Alumni Shopping Perks 

Alumni communications 

Careers Advice 


Student Bank Accounts/Overdrafts 


Free Campus Library Access 

Sport facilities and membership 

Accommodation & Events 

For more details, please click the link below:


Contact Details

Ms. Jun Chen
Mr. Caiyong Zhuang

  • 扫码访问校友会
    Follow UWS Line Account
  • 关注微信公众号
    Follow UWS Wechat Account
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